The article elucidates allomorphic syntactic models with inversion in English and Ukrainian, as Indo-European languages of different groups. The key emphasis is put on the expressive potential of these syntactic structures, while taking into account their frequency and distributional behavior as well. The latter show direct dependence of inverted constructions stylistic connotation upon the word order patterns of a specific language and determine an extent of expressive colouring of particular cases of inversion. The allomorpism of this linguistic category in English and Ukrainian manifests itself in syntactic models. The latter acquire a special status in English due to the limitation of their usage in fiction texts. This feature is not typical of the Ukrainian Language. The constructions with an introductory there, emphatic do and a prepositional position constitute distinctive English structures; the syntactic models with existential and movement semantics display allomorphic parameters typical of Ukrainian. The two languages text systems, though, require complex consideration from the point of view of different language levels in the micro- and macrocontextual framework as a key factor complementing the discourse expressiveness.
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