The article addresses the reflection of the processes of globalisation in contemporary art and their influence on the content and technologies of art education of a future teacher. The emphasis was placed on the fact that even under conditions of globalisation, artistic culture cannot be transformed on the basis of unification because it leads to the loss of ethnocultural values of a certain nation and the destruction of their cultural genotype. It was determined that the only direction of the transformation of modern art is integration technologies. The classification of integration methods in modern art practices is offered according to the following forms: mutual influence of cultural concepts on a territorial basis; the synergy of traditions and innovations; the combination of modern technologies into a conglomerate that preserves the characteristics of an art object; innovative synthesis of traditional arts on a group or type basis. Attention was focused on the fact that globalisation processes, that take place in the modern world, affect the content and determine the technologies of art education. It was established that among the forms of artistic integration of contemporary arts, that were proposed by the author, such as the synergy of traditions and innovations as well as the synthesis of traditional arts on a group or type basis are mainly introduced in the art education of a future teacher.
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