The need to prepare future pilots for intercultural interaction is related to globalization and integration processes, the requirements of international organizations and the factor of flight safety. It is stated that in flying institutions of higher education insufficient attention is paid to preparation for intercultural interaction, therefore it is necessary to develop purposeful pedagogical measures on formation of future pilots’ readiness to intercultural interaction. This article reveals the problem of preparing future pilots for intercultural interaction. The aim of the research is to define various methods of implementing pedagogical conditions of formation future pilots’ readiness to intercultural interaction. To achieve the purpose of the researching we have used the methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison and generalization of native and foreign psychological and pedagogical sources on the problem of forming future pilots’ readiness to intercultural interaction. The theoretical analysis of scientific research made it possible to identify the following pedagogical conditions for the formation of readiness of future pilots for intercultural interaction: the formation of value orientations through the creation of a positive psychological climate; team work organization in the process of learning professionally oriented disciplines; integration of the culturological aspect into professionally oriented disciplines; stimulating of reflexive attitude to the process of formation of intercultural interaction qualities. To implement the pedagogical conditions of future pilots’ readiness to intercultural interaction, we offer the introduction of various methods, such as: interactive methods, projects, video games, ice-breaking exercises, training, case study, role-playing games, brainstorming.
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