Keywords: motivation, pedagogical diagnostics, scientific and methodical work, psychological and pedagogical training, teacher of special disciplines


The article raises the issue of readiness for teaching in the Ukrainian Technical College of specialists who do not have pedagogical education. It is determined that the motivating factor is an important factor influencing the work of a young teacher, the formation and development of future professionals, and the problem of determining the readiness of a specialist with engineering education to teach, his motivation for a new activity, ability to acquire knowledge and skills is extremely relevant and needs attention from the head of scientific and methodological work. It is proposed to introduce the primary scientific and diagnostic development of the mechanism of differentiated psychological and pedagogical influence on teachers of special disciplines of the technical college, which will determine the types of teachers, taking into account the level of their motivation for teaching. The algorithm of application of methods, including author’s, is considered, methodical recommendations concerning their application, calculation, use of results of research are given. It is concluded that the application of primary scientific and diagnostic development of the mechanism of differentiated psychological and pedagogical influence in the technical college will help to adjust group and individual scientific and methodical work with beginning teachers and teaching staff as a whole, to plan further stages of development of psychological and pedagogical competence.


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How to Cite
Sadovenko, S., & Szpak, A. (2021). PRIMARY DIAGNOSTICS OF TEACHERS OF SPECIAL DISCIPLINES OF TECHNICAL COLLEGE. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 42(5), 110-116.