Keywords: harvest, plant diseases, cereals, experiments, plant protection, smut, phytopathology


The article analyzes the history of formation and development of agricultural research work – a component of the culture of agronomy, which was considered the basis of the agriculture. Despite the organizational and financial difficulties, the research work had developed. The flourishing of research in Ukraine fell on 20-30’s of the 20th century. At this time in the agrarian science of Ukraine there were the significant scientific and organizational changes, as a result of which the priorities in the tasks of research institutions changed and practice began to dominate over theoretical developments. In the conditions of agriculture of the Ukrainian SSR, successful control of the pests and plant diseases was the key to ensuring a good harvest. But the struggle without knowledge of the conditions of development of the pests or pathogens of the plant diseases, was a measure only of a palliative nature. The correct and expedient control of the plant diseases required knowledge of the course of development of the disease, the time of its occurrence, the prevalence and harmfulness and many other aspects of biological and economic nature.


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How to Cite
Mamrai, V. (2021). ACTIVITIES OF THE ALL-UKRAINIAN NETWORK OF THE OBSERVATION POINTS (1920’S – 1930’S). Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 42(5), 142-148.