Digital transformations taking place in Ukraine require public authorities to be effective and active position of the civil society. In this case, joint activities become the basis for implementation of respective public policy on central, regional and local levels. Mechanisms of digital democracy should accelerate introduction of electronic elections in Ukraine, improve quality of electoral communication between voters and the candidates for public office. Public institutions also strengthen existing and operating digital technologies in public authorities at the same time contributing to formation of innovative technologies, both for the state and for separate settlements. In his article, the author outlines existing trends in this area of activity in order to consolidate efforts to improve the quality of electoral communication and introduce electronic elections in Ukraine. It is new digital tools, communication services and open platforms that can provide new innovative solutions to increase political participation and involve citizens into the electoral processes, helping to increase level of trust, transparency and accountability within the democratic system. The author, referring to the European Parliament Resolution of 16 March 2017 on E-democracy in the EU, outlining future potential of digital democracy, in particular the use of digital communication as its key feature, stating that many examples of national, regional and local digital participation can serve as examples of how digital (information and communication) technologies are used in E-democracy and encourage further development of such practices at the national and local levels in Ukraine
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