In recent years there has been a growing academic interest in studying the socio-political activities of particular personalities of the dissident human rights movement in the Ukrainian SSR, which led to declaration of Ukraine’s independence in 1991. The article has analyzed the researches and historical literature of Ukrainian scientists who have mentioned the activity of Mykhailo and Bohdan Horyn in their scientific contributions. Based on the factual materials, the author has divided into groups and characterized historical works dealing with different aspects of dissident, samizdat (literal meaning “self-publishing”), socio-political and state-building activities of the Horyn brothers. Following the results of processed data, it has been established that the role of M. and B. Horyn, as one of the key personalities who facilitated the achievement of Ukraine’s independence, was poorly elucidated in the scientific literature. Thus, the study of activities of the above figures contributes to a better understanding of the historical processes taking place in the USSR in the second half of the XXth century.
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