Keywords: international relations, government concerts, diplomacy, art, protocol


An important component of the foreign policy activity of state, public and political figures is participation in official government receptions that have informative and communicative functions. The repertoire policy of concert programs of diplomatic receptions built in such a way not only to inform about state priorities in the field of culture, but also to create a special socio-cultural environment conducive to constructive communication. The researcher analyzed the content of concert programs of government receptions, which organized during the visits to the Soviet Union by W. Churchill, Charles de Gaulle, I.B. Tito. The researcher describes a festive reception at the Reception House of the People’s Commissariat for Foreign Affairs on Spiridonovka in Moscow on November 7, 1943, which organized in honor of the anniversary of the October Revolution, with the participation of the diplomatic corps, political and military elite, literary and art workers. Studying the Soviet diplomatic protocol during this period expands our knowledge not only in the field of the history of diplomatic relations, but also allows us to judge the peculiarities of the development of Soviet culture, its dependence on the tastes of the leaders and party ideology. The materials of the Foreign Policy Archive of the Russian Federation (Fund 057 – “Protocol Department”) used as sources.


1. Vizit v SSSR pravitel`stvennoj delegacii Yugoslavii vo glave s predstavitelem Soveta Ministrov, ministrom oborony` marshalom I.B. Tito (1946) [Visit to the USSR of the government delegation of Yugoslavia headed by the representative of the Council of Ministers, Defense Minister Marshal I.B. Tito]. Moscow: Arxiv vneshnej politiki RF (AVP RF). F.057. Op. 26. P. 127. D. 8. L. 8-10, 12-18. [in Russian].
2. Vizity` v SSSR prezidenta Chexoslovaczkoj Respubliki E`. Benesha i marshala I.B. Tito (1945) [The President`s of the Czechoslovak Republic E. Benes and Marshal I.B. Tito visits to the USSR]. Moscow: AVP RF. F.057. Op. 25. P. 123. D. 8. L. 74, 76, 90, 119, 156-159, 170, 177. [in Russian].
3. Nevezhin, V. (2019). Prazdnik posredi vojny`: godovshhina Oktyabr`skoj revolyucii v vospriyatii soyuznikov (1943 g.) [Holiday in the middle of the war: the anniversary of the October Revolution as seen by the Allies (1943)]: Rossiya. XIX. № 5. P. 19, 20, 21, 26. [in Russian].
4. Plan vstrechi, preby`vaniya i provodov predsedatelya vremennogo pravitel`stva Franczuzskoj respubliki Sh. de Gollya (1944). [Plan to meet, stay and farewell the chairman of the provisional government of the French Republic Charles de Gaulle]. Moscow: AVP RF. F.057. Op. 24. P. 120. D. 8. L .28, 37, 48, 53, 54. [in Russian].
5. Programma koncerta vo vremya vizita v SSSR prem`er-ministra Velikobritanii U. Cherchillya (1944). [The program of the concert during the visit of British Prime Minister W. Churchill to the USSR]. Moscow: AVP RF. F.057. Op. 24. P. 120. D. 7. L. 26, 50. [in Russian].
6. Cherchill`, U. (1945). Vtoraya mirovaya vojna [The two World War]. Moscow. VI. 228, p. 235. [in Russian].

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How to Cite
Zakharova, O. (2021). THE CULTURAL COMPONENT OF DIPLOMATIC RECEPTIONS IN THE USSR (1941–1945). Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 42(5), 174-180.