The article considers the impact of globalisation and national revival processes on the development of electronic music in Ukraine. It is shown that in the early stages of development (the late 1990s – early 2000s) Ukrainian electronic music is dominated by the focus on Western European music culture, and early festivals of dance electronic music (“The Republic of Kazantip”, “Ultrasonic”) also borrow Russian traditions, which indicates the predominance of globalization and peripheral tendencies in this area. At the same time, the first creative searches related to the combination of electronic sounds with the sounds of Ukrainian folklore are intensified. In particular, the article considers the works of the 2000s-2010s by O. Nesterov and A. Zahaikevych, representing folk electronics in the academic sphere, and works by Katya Chilly, Stelsi, Kind of Zero representing folk electronics in non-academic music. The aesthetic basis of such combinations was the musical neo-folklore of the last third of the XX century and the achievements of folk rock in the late 1990s. Intensification of these searches in the late 2010s, in particular the popularity of such artists as Ruslana, Onuka, Go_A allow us to talk about intensifying the national revival processes in the musical culture of Ukraine and involving Ukrainian music in the world culture preserving its national identity.
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