Keywords: education, upbringing, work, development, special institutions, people with disabilities


The article provides a theoretical analysis of the role of work in the correction of people with disabilities due to intellectual disabilities. Different types of work in special institutions are outlined. The role of work in the education and development of people with disabilities due to intellectual disabilities is now particularly important due to the difficulties in preparing them for practice. In Ukraine, state and public systems of educational institutions and establishments have been created and are constantly developing, in order to cover all people with disabilities. An integral part of this system are special institutions where people with disabilities who have certain deviations of physical or mental development can study, get educated, prepare for independent life and socially useful work. People with disabilities should be oriented about the role they play in the work force of the society; in that they should provide useful and affordable work. This is done in order to prepare themselves for socially useful activities, they must see the main goal to be pursued in the learning process. In the system of pedagogical measures to influence the psyche of a person with a disability due to intellectual disabilities work is one of the most important means of correcting intellectual disabilities. The corrective value of employment for people with disabilities due to intellectual disabilities is that work greatly contributes to the education of positive personality traits. It is known that people with intellectual disabilities make poor use of work skills in new situations. Work contributes to the application of knowledge and skills acquired during training in practical activities outside the institution.


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How to Cite
Husieva, T. (2021). THE ROLE OF EMPLOYMENT OF PEOPLE WITH INTELLECTUAL DISORDERS. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 43(6), 30-37.