The article deals with theoretical aspects of monitoring cadets` learning abilities in 1960-1980 years. The author states that in this period the traditional system of control was characterized by the lack of objectivity. The reasons for the subjectivity of the assessment system in the publications of those years were not associated with the lack of standardized control means, but with the ambiguity of learning objectives and the requirements for the levels of knowledge acquisition. Scientists proposed various ways to improve control, based on the introduction of learning outcomes, typology of knowledge, special performance indicators, usually too subjective and contrived to be really useful in the learning process. Basically, these approaches were suitable only for testing the simplest levels of educational activities and did not affect the creative levels of its implementation. Depending on the type of training programs the special methods of checking and correction of learning outcomes were used in the programmed training. Since there were no effective methods of using pedagogical tests and skills in their development in programmed control, the simplest types of learning abilities were tested, the tasks were simplified and involved the choice of one or more ready-made answers, and hidden psychological components of learning, understanding the material, logic of cadets, communicative abilities remained outside the scope of tests.
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