The article highlights the actualization of the cultural and national identification issue in the contemporary world. According to scientists, the preservation of the cultural and national identification in the global environment is the most successful when a polycultural approach is implemented to intercultural communication. The aim of the article is to demonstrate, using a polycultural approach for analysis, how Ukrainian national culture is displayed and popularized through the musical content of the 21st century. Reactions of video bloggers from YouTube platform became a marker of the popularity of such a cultural product. Using the method of structural analysis, the selected music videos were considered at a verbal level (usage of folk songs lyrics), a visual level (filming the videos in Ukrainian locations, usage of elements of national life, national costumes, etc.) and at an intonational one (usage of national instruments, singing in a national style, etc.). Due to this, it has become possible to highlight polycultural markers in the music content itself and then track the reaction of foreign video bloggers to the polycultural combination of modern music trends with Ukrainian national elements. The presence of such video reactions confirms the demand for polycultural products, transferring it to the category of a trend – what is on time and what is of most interest to a mass consumer. This proves the relevance of further development of the polycultural approach, expanding the scope of its application, as well as the natural perception of polycultural mass consumption products.
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