Keywords: volunteer movement, volunteers, non-governmental human rights organizations, human rights


The article is devoted to the volunteer movement in the sphere of human rights protection and cooperation of volunteers with non-governmental human rights organizations. It is pointed out that due to the activization of civil society and the growing number of violations of human rights on the international arena, this issue needs to be studied in more detail. In order to study the nature of volunteer organizations, a retrospective historical analysis of the phenomenon of volunteering since its appearance has been conducted. Several directions of historical development of the volunteer movement are compared. In order to understand the role of volunteer movements in the protection of human rights, the definition of the concept is proposed and explained, their functions and features as well as the main directions of activity are singled out. The comparison of concepts, functions and roles of volunteer and non- governmental human rights organizations is made. Also, the definition of the concept of “non-governmental human rights organizations” is given, on the base of which the common features of the above elements of civil society are defined. Examples of state regulation of volunteering activities in European countries, as well as the activities of volunteers in the sphere of human rights protection and cooperation of the latter with non-governmental human rights organizations are analyzed. The importance of cooperation between volunteer organizations and NGOs is also emphasized, as well as the mutual benefit for these organizations.


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How to Cite
Demidenko, A. (2021). VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES IN THE SPHERE OF HUMAN RIGHTS PROTECTION. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 43(6), 164-171. https://doi.org/10.23856/4321