• Oleksii Kostenko Research Laboratory of Theory and Law of Digital Transformations of the Research Center for Digital Transformations and Law of the Research Institute of Informatics and Law of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: IoT devices, identification systems, identification data management, identification, identification data, technical standards, artificial intelligence, electronic trust services


The scale, speed and multi-vector development of science and technology are extremely effective in influencing legal, economic, political, spiritual, professional and other social relations. The development of information and communication technologies, the use of the Internet, the creation, storage, transmission, processing and management of information became the driving forces of the new scientific and technological revolution. This facilitates the introduction of technologies for the transmission and use of information in digital form in almost all spheres of public life, namely text data, photo, audio, video images, which are transmitted in various ways via the Internet and other systems and means of communication. One of the key elements of data transmission technologies and systems is the availability of information by which it is possible to identify their subjects and objects by their inherent identification attributes. In Ukrainian legislation, in particular in the Law of Ukraine «On Personal Data Protection», information or a set of information about an individual who is or can be identified specifically is defined as personal data. However, despite its modernity, this law still contains a number of shortcomings and uncertainties, both in terminology and in the legal mechanisms for working with data by which a person can be identified, i.e. identification data.


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How to Cite
Kostenko, O. (2021). IDENTIFICATION DATA MANAGEMENT: LEGAL REGULATION AND CLASSIFICATION. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 43(6), 198-203.