Surgical accesses through the middle cranial fossa (MCF) and their variations require the surgeons a detailed understanding of a complex anatomy of this site of the inner base of the skull (IBS) and an individual anatomical variability of the anatomical landmarks often used in their medical practice. The aim of this study is to establish individual anatomical variability of the longitudinal dimensions of MCF of mature age human. The research was carried out by studying 50 craniotomograms and 50 bone preparations of mature age human skulls with their further subdivision to extreme types of skulls groups. The examinations of the main longitudinal parameters were done for detailed MCF craniometry, namely: MCF lateral cranial length, MCF general length, MCF medial areas length. It was determined that all longitudinal dimensions increase from brachicephales to dolichocephales. This is due to the fact that for brachicrans (round-headedness) short form of the skull is inherent, for dolichocrans (narrow-headedness) – long and for mesocrans (moderate-headedness) average head size is inherent. According to the received data, MCF longitudinal parameters of mature age human regardless of the extreme types of the skull structure have the tendency to increase from medial sections of the investigated area to lateral. The results of this study substantially complete the existing information about the individual anatomical variability of MCF of mature age human and also make it possible to deeply use this data in practical medicine and for further research in morphology and in craniology in details.
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