The aim of the article is to study the features of the development of cluster systems for the construction of transport vessels and develop on this basis recommendations for the use of agile methodology in the mechanisms of effective management in cluster integrations. The characteristic features of a project-oriented operating system with a matrix organizational structure have been determined. The principles of the agile methodology have been adapted to the management mechanisms of the shipbuilding cluster system. The examples of the use of agile approaches that complement and strengthen the existing matrix management structure in the shipbuilding cluster system are given. The agile approaches are implemented through: maintaining stable links in the supply chain at all stages of the life cycle of the cluster; focusing the cluster system as a whole on customer needs; creation of cross-functional teams for support and development of human resources; creation of a logistics center in accordance with the agile methodology, which is implemented through short feedback cycles and regular adaptation of supply processes; lean production ‒ from design to production at all stages. It is proposed to develop a corporate information system in business processes and supply chains of the shipbuilding cluster. Information flows connect cluster members, functions, supply chain management tasks, as well as different levels of management decision-making. Team cooperation between representatives of project organizations and the project management office of shipbuilding enterprises will ensure the development of the information system as a whole, as well as the integrity and consistency of individual elements. This confirms that the agile methodology provides flexibility in management and operational adaptation to changes in order to achieve the main goal ‒ the competitiveness of cluster integration and its elements.
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