Keywords: information systems, decision-making support, project in the aviation industry, automated design system, technological process, integrated modular avionics


The development of modern avionics systems makes the design of such systems impossible without the use of automation tools. Currently, the area of such tools is represented by patented tools developed by major aircraft manufacturers such as Boeing and Airbus, as well as a number of open or partially open international projects, differing in terms of validity, availability of source code and documentation. All tools are based on architectural models of the developed system. This article discusses the languages available for describing architectural models of avionics systems and shows which programming language is most appropriate due to its textual notation and embedded concepts that are well suited to represent most of the elements of embedded systems. The article then presents a set of tools for designing modern avionics systems. The toolbox provides both a general platform for designing and analyzing architectural models and a specialized solution for a specific area of avionics systems. It supports creating, editing and manipulating models in both text and graphic formats.


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How to Cite
Kovalenko, Y. (2021). METHODS OF DEVELOPING INTEGRATED MODULAR AVIONICS SYSTEMS. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 43(6), 324-334.