The article is devoted to the study and analysis of word-formation rows with the suffix -ment. The attempt to identify the patterns and principles of creating English word-formation rows was made. Word-formation rows were studied in terms of their complexity, word-formation ways of derivatives, and the lexical and grammatical nature of the generating words. Not only the verbal, nominal, and adverbial rows, but also the confixed verbal, nominal and adverbial ones were analyzed. Besides, the examples of complex name rows consisting of words formed by combining two stems are presented in this article. The structure of each row was examined deeply with the help of the relator speech of the applicative generative model (AGM), which is a universal tool for studying the structure of word-formation rows in any language. Completing the comparative analysis of R=structures and L=structures helped not only realize how R=structures are resembled in natural language, but also determine the complexity of word-formation rows. It should be noted that word-formation rows with the suffix -ment are described in the article in terms of their homogeneity and heterogeneity. The categories of derivatives conjugated with the word-formation suffix -ment are systematized.
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