The article considered the problem of ontological insecurity of man and the optimal educational options for its solution. The history of the concept of “ontological insecurity” in the works of R. D. Laing, A. Giddens and J. Young was considered. It is revealed that the ontological insecurity of a person is caused by macrosocial factors (migration, war, pandemic, social crisis). Adverse communication and family relationships are microsocial factors in person's ontological insecurity. The separate directions of psychotherapy of the ontologically insecure person were analyzed. The author considered possibilities of psychotherapeutic intervention in the correction of psychological consequences of staying in distorted family systems (M. Bowen). Family therapy, based on Bowen’s theory, aims at increasing the level of differentiation of the self in the client’s emotional system, leading to a decrease in the manifestations of somatic, psychological or social symptoms. In the 1970-80s, family psychotherapy was embraced by the process of changing orientation from psychoanalysis and behaviorism to a more cognitive model. The study found that the solution of the problem of ontological insecurity of the person lies in the plane of realization of educational, psychological educational programs. Work to reduce ontological insecurity can be carried out by psychological services of educational institutions, which offer free assistance (trainings, consultations) with elements of individual and family therapy to all participants in the educational system.
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