The article presents the substantiation of the differential gender approach to the training for the girls of the age of 12-15 years in boxing. Methods. Theoretical analysis of special and scientific literature, generalization of data. Results. Several sides of Boxing preparation in general are considered. The physiological features of the female organism and the level of influence of certain phases of the menstrual cycle in training and competitive activities, sensitive periods of development of physical qualities and capabilities of girls contribute to the training and improvement of physical exercises in training are studied. The difference was detected: in the volume of training loads for boxers' girls of 12 years old compared to girls-boxers of 15, in methods of teaching technical and tactical training of girls of 12-15 years old compared to men and boys boxers. The interconnection of various aspects of preparing girls in boxing is determined. A differential gender approach to girls training is offered. Conclusion. The results of the completed theoretical analysis revealed ways of effective education, improving technical and tactical training of girls of 12-15 years old dealing with boxing which should be noticed in effective performances at competitions of different rank. The actual directions of combination and increase in the volume of theoretical preparation with psychological in the training process were revealed. Differential exercise by age. Variation of means of training when mastering and improving tactical, technical education directly with a partner in pairs or in a training fight. In the long run, with this approach it is possible to create a well-grounded (with a clear distribution of training load) a conceptual model of training, which involves harmonious training of girls engaged in boxing.
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