The article presents the part of results of a mixed free and directed associative experiment for the study of nominations of concepts Е-ПРОСТІР (E-SPACE) and КІБЕРПРОСТІР (CYBERSPACE) of the conceptual field “простір (space)” in the online mode. The purpose of the associative experiment is to confirm or refute the hypothesis that E-SPACE and CYBERSPACE are identical subconcepts of CF «простір». The article presents the reasons for choosing an associative experiment and the methodology of the experiment. The material of the research was 86 questionnaires of Ukrainian-, English- and Russian-speaking respondents who are carriers or mediators of the Ukrainian conceptual picture of the world and 955 reactions were collected. On the basis of free and directed answers, the respondents' reactions to the E-ПРОСТІР and КІБЕРПРОСТІР stimulus, the nominative field of two concepts was singled out, and 7 microfields of the E-ПРОСТІР verbalization and 6 microfields of the КІБЕРПРОСТІР nomination were singled out. The top list of tokens of verbalizations of the concepts is presented in the article. The common conceptual сonstant based on the associative field of both concepts, and the status of subconcepts of the conceptual field «простір» was confirmed.
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