The aim of this paper is to investigate the cognitive peculiarities of the concept of Sacredness and the means of expressing the chosen concept in the novel of James Joyce “The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man”. Much attention has been paid to specific cognitive factors that account for the formation of occasion-bound meanings for effective communication and cooperation. The topicality of the paper coincides with studying and understanding the process of categorization and conceptualization of the world and with the analysis of textual communication. We should try to figure out what roles texts may fulfil, how they might be encoded or decoded, what people are using them for in a given set of occurrence, and so forth. The words and sentences on the page are reliable clues in accessing the entity of the concept of Sacredness. The methods of the research are as follows: the inductive-deductive method of analysis of language material; the method of the semantic modelling and contextual interpretational analysis; the method of the quantitative counting of received language empirical data. The Novelty of the paper is associated with increased interest in cognitive linguistics and cognitive semantics; the interaction of thought and language, with an attempt to understand how our speech is made, perceived, understood and interpreted.
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