Three stages of implementation of the “New Ukrainian School” Concept are analyzed, namely: stage one (2018-2019), stage two (2019–2022) and stage three (2023–2029). It is determined that the educational environment of the New Ukrainian School is a multidimensional individualized self-organized integrity, saturated with all necessary components, which allows the individual within it to function properly and to develop his/her abilities, including gradual possibility of self-realization and personal growth.
The positive aspects of the education system reform have been identified, including the following: school autonomy; in-service training and certification of teachers; reform of the programs related to changing the forms and methods of teacher-student interaction and work; cooperation of central and local education entities with teachers and parents of students; improving the quality of education, which is identified as an “integrated educational process”.
The key tasks and objectives of a modern teacher, including the basic principles of traditional and modern education, are highlighted.
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