Summary The article contains the analysis of questioning concerning attitude to necessity of development of intercultural competence of future Masters of military management (MMM), importance of intercultural awareness, study of the level of intercultural awareness of military officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (by self-assessment). There was defined the level of orientation within the terms (intercultural communication, intercultural competence, ethnocentrism, multicultural state), understanding of the reasons of conflicts between the representatives of different cultures. We have studied which characteristics are preferred by future Masters of military management in a specialist with a developed intercultural competence.
The purpose of the article is to define topicality of necessity to develop intercultural competence of future masters of military management in their professional training, to find out the general level of understanding of main principles and fundamentals of intercultural communication in military sphere for outlining the further direction of the research.
For the aim of further research, we have designed the survey form and conducted the questionnaire at the beginning of findings stage of pedagogical experiment, which contained the range of tasks as follows: 1) to define the level of importance of possession of intercultural awareness among future MMM; 2) to study the level of understanding by the future Masters of military management of intercultural values, intercultural features, existing intercultural differences; if tolerance is important in intercultural interaction and what are the ways of its achievement; 3) to define what is the reason of intercultural conflicts, what obstacles arise and prohibit efficiency of intercultural communication; 4) to sort out what assessment criteria are important for a specialist possessing intercultural competence in professional activity; 5) to analyse the results.
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