The article analyzes the mythopoetics of the image of the main hero Venichka Yerofeyev in the opera “Moscow-Petushki” by the modern Ukrainian composer S. Lunov. The concept of “culture hero” and its explication on the image of Venichka Yerofeev are considered. The etymology of the concept of “culture hero”, its meaning both in archaic mythological thinking and in modern society is studied. It was found that for each epoch there is a culture hero, who is the personification of the dominant cultural values in society. The functions of a culture hero in society, his positive and negative traits and qualities of activity are considered. Based on the latter, the trickster features inherent in the culture hero, which were inherent in the original mythological thinking, but are relevant in our time, are emphasized. The history of S. Lunov's creating of opera “Moscow-Petushki” is considered, the libretto of the opera and V. Yerofeyev's poem of the same name is compared from the standpoint of genre and compositional features. It has been found that the mythopoetic image of the protagonist of the opera embodies both the features of a cultural hero and a trickster, which refers us to the original mythology, when these images existed syncretically. It was found that the cultural hero Venichka Yerofeyev embodies the following features: creative transformation of reality, cultural and organizational, mediation, protective and didactic.
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