The article deals with the investigation of the egocentricity actualization in the poetic texts. Egocentricity is viewed from the perspective of self-reference reflected in the literary texts. The materials selected are the poetic texts of Denise Levertov that unveil different thematic lines with the emphasis on the thematic line of war. Poetic egocentricity, therefore, is defined as the involvement of the author into the text through ego-marked metaphorical propositions. These ego-oriented constructions open access to author's egocentricity via reader's involvement into the text imagery. According to the results obtained, the thematic lines of Levertov's poetry highlight the topics of divine, life, love and war. However, we observe a low percent rate of the egocentric metaphorical propositions compared to the general scope of war-oriented thematic constructions. Consequently, we may state that such a comparatively low author’s involvement into the war theme could be viewed as a deliberate intention to escape the reality by shifting the perspective from the self-referential plane.
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