Keywords: Education, culture, politics, ideology, democracy, state


This article consideres the problem of the correlation of the politics and education. The scientific approaches to understanding the upbringing and teaching as one of the important spheres of the state politics are analyse. In the borderlines of this scientific approaches the education becomes the service instrument of the satisfaction of the outside education interests. Opposite approach according to which the regime of politics substantially is differs from the regime of police by it’s attitude to power is simultaneously motivated. Politics can exist in the form of participation of citizens in the common affair, as democracy, as an uninterrupted debate concerning common affair. However democracy means the appropriate level of enlightenment and education of the mass. Thus regime of the politics can exist only supported by education. The essence of the education as a common affair is realized in the conditions of the democratic equality. Not only politics can exist supported by education, but the education corresponds to the logic of human development.


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How to Cite
Lipin, M., & Husieva, N. (2021). COMMON AFFAIR OF POLITICS AND EDUCATION: DEMOCRACY, CIVIL SOCIETY, PERSONALITY. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 44(1), 196-203.