The article covers the transformation process of the legislation on local elections in Ukraine. It is mentioned that democratic elections are an important component of democratic transformations in the country as a whole, so it is important to conduct the search for the optimal model of the electoral system. However, the constant change of game rules in the electoral field may be evidence of manipulation and use of electoral procedures in favor of those in power and seeking to preserve their status.
Any transformations and reforms provide systemic and consistent changes. At least the party and judicial systems need to be improved in conjunction with changes to the election legislation. Party system needs to be improved because functionally parties should act as agents of political socialization, as well as recruit staff and form a political elite. Judicial system needs to be improved because each subject of the election process must have confidence in protection of their rights in case of their violation and have the ability to defend against abuse of power, fraud, corruption etc. Political education is also needed as a basis for raising the level of political culture and consciousness of society.
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