The aim of the article is to cover the theoretical aspects, legal and regulatory principles and development of ways to improve the legal and regulatory framework for securing obligations in the field of legal relations on credit granting. The study was conducted using the method of a systematic approach, which allowed to classify the views of the authors, to systematize the legal and regulatory framework, the method of unification, by application of which the proposals to address legislative shortcomings have been developed. The existence of problems in determining the legal status of objects of credit obligations of economic entities has been established. It is determined that in scientific works there is no universal approach to the composition and legal status of these objects, nor do they indicate the problems of current legislation in this field. It is revealed that the economic, civil legislation of Ukraine does not contain a complete definition of the composition of these securities. The problems of lack of legislative regulation of the problem of obligation and the procedure for assessing the state of the economic management, financial and economic condition, forecasting the risks of enforcement of loan obligations both from the loan providers subject to sponsors, guarantors and the latter in relation to borrowers, have been established. The availability of such problems in the field of normative and legal regulation in the USA, Poland and Ukraine has been proven, proposals for improving the provisions of the Ukrainian legislation in this area have been substantiated and formulated.
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