The article presents studies concerning the pharmaceutical therapy and provision among patients with comorbid vasculitis with cryoglobulinemic syndrome. Information from various authors on subject and particularities of its treatment was analyzed. While conducting literature review, used pharmaceutical and economic, organizational and legal, forensic and pharmaceutical approaches and methodology in studying of particularities of pharmaceutical therapy and provision among patients with above-mentioned illness. ABC/VEN analysis was used in study to select the most effective and safe drugs, while keeping in mind treatment costs in Ukraine. The matrix of the consolidated ABC/VEN analysis of drugs for treatment of mentioned patients with comorbid vasculitis in Ukraine using hepatoprotectors was developed during the study. Further researches needed in order to implement into the state programs for pharmaceutical therapy and provision among patients with comorbid vasculitis with cryoglobulinemic syndrome. Importance in making appropriate administrative and managerial decisions while detecting the comorbid vasculitis in order to improve the use of drugs in healthcare facilities was proved.
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