The aim of the article is to study the assortment of the additive agents in the composition of dry-eye syndrome substitution therapy medications registered in Ukraine, which may increase the anti-microbial stability of the solution as well as types of packaging of preservative free substitution therapy medications.
The methodology of the research includes the content-analysis of the information on the substitution therapy medications composition, provided in the insert of the medication as well as the study of the type of original packaging and the way it influences the preservation of sterility and properties of the substitution therapy medications.
Provision of clear information in the labeling and the insert of the medication regarding the presence, name and quantity of a preservative (with the use of the term “preservative”) is a necessary and often one of the determining factors in treatment selection for patients with dry-eye syndrome. This is determined by the fact that certain agents (or their combination) may perform different functions in a medical form acting, depending on the, for instance, concentration, as preservatives, components of buffer solutions, antioxidants or isotonic substances.
The results of the study show that as of December, 2020 only a few of substitution therapy medications presented on the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine contain such information.
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