The purpose of the article is revealing the basics of environmental policy formation at technical service companies. The article considers the peculiarities of the concept of environmental policy, its goals and objectives; identifies the ecological aspects of activity of the company of technical vehicle service, the most essential of them; it shows the role of the management of the company in implementation of ecological policy. The ecological policy of the company is realized through its performance of ecological function. That is, the introduction of a system of measures aimed at improving the ecological condition of the environment. By pursuing a clearly defined and effective environmental policy, the company, if not enlarging, but shall increase its profits.
It is proved that the development of an effective environmental policy is one of the first and most responsible steps in creating an environmental management system at the company of technical service. It plays an important role in determining the priorities of the company and should have specific environmental goals and objectives. In fact, environmental policy determines the degree of environmental responsibility and the extent of the obligations of the company of technical service to the environment, according to which all its subsequent actions will be evaluated.
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