Keywords: postmodernism, Turkish literature, novel, intertextuality, quote, reference, allusion, parody


The literature of the postmodern era is characterized by a violation of traditional norms of writing. In particular, attention is focused not on the inner and outer worlds of a character, but on the very structure of the work, in the writting process of which the author uses various literary techniques that the reader relies on during the interpretation. Examples of such techniques are metafiction, intertextuality and pluralism. The most common is intertextuality, which means the reference of the author of the novel to literary works written by him or other writers. Thus, the referenced work ceases to belong to the pen of only one author. The novel “The Red-Haired Woman”, based on the Greek myth called “King Oedipus” and the Iranian myth “Rustem and Sohrab”, is an example. There are many works that examine the intertextual relationships that function in the novel “The Red-Haired Woman”, but no clear classification has been given yet. The purpose of this article is to systematize the already acquired knowledge and classify the intertextual relations of the novel to provide a better understanding of the structure of the text by the reader. Prospects for further research lie in the analysis of intertextual connections in other novels by Orhan Pamuk or other authors of the postmodern era.


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How to Cite
Arnaut, F., & Rudnytska, A. (2021). DIFFERENT TYPES OF INTERTEXTUAL RELATIONSHIPS IN ORHAN PAMUK’S NOVEL “THE RED-HAIRED WOMAN”. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 45(2), 20-25. https://doi.org/10.23856/4502