The article spotlights the issues of the English-speaking literary journalism, as a direction of non-fiction, blending literary styles and narrative techniques, giving the exact information, while composing features, opinion articles, chronicles, travel blogs, listicles, biographies, essays, and other articles. The article tackles the communication strategies and tactics, stylistic and literary devices, applied in literature, and respectively in journalism and nonfiction by English-speaking authors. Among the smorgasbord of literary devices used in American and British literary journalism, it is vital to underline the importance of a dialogue, a strict chronological structure, some status details, and the text presentation from the third-person perspective.
In the article, the dialogue is regarded in the classical meaning as communication and exchange of information or conversation in written or oral form between two or several people, as well as a literary or theatrical form that presents such exchange.
The content analyses of American and British mass media, as well as their monitoring and empirical identification of active types of dialogues, transmitting from American and British literature into the literary journalism, belong to the key methods of research and further analysis.
As a result of the scholarly survey, sixteen types of dialogues, leading to the better plot outlining were determined, the employment of which could diversify and improve the quality of English content made by Ukrainian students, journalists and nonfiction writers. The article characterizes and gives examples of the following types of dialogues, which are apt to the contemporary English speaking literature and non-fiction: Cryptic Conversation; Cultural Contrast; Appeal to family wisdom; Trial balloon dialogue; Blatant Lies; Con artist lies dialogue; Constant cheering; Berate and switch; Casual danger; Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squeak; Derailed Train of Thought; Sliding into Gibberish; Digging Yourself Deeper; Volleying Insults; Insult backfire; Contradiction of Arguments’ Dialogue.
The strategies of cooperation, confrontation, manipulation and entertainment are singled out as the main communication strategies for the majority of determined dialogues.
2. BBC News. Features & Analysis. URL: (Retrieved 19.01.2021)
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