The purpose of the article is to reveal the significance of the Ionian factor in the development of ancient Delos. Based on ancient sources, the process of Ionian colonization and the arrival of the Ionians on Delos are considered. It is established that the Ionians developed the cult of the god Apollo on Delos and turned it into an all-Ionian, and not only, religious center. Delos became the site of Ionian religious gatherings and the center of early Ionian amphyctyony. The establishment of a famous religious center led to the neighboring islands trying to expand their political influence in the Aegean region through the patronage of Delos. On the basis of archaeological and written sources it is proved that the island was under the influence of Naxos, Paros; had the patronage of the tyrant Samos Polycrates and others.
The activity of Athens was demonstrated on the island due to the Ionic factor. The purification of the island by Pisistratus, the founding of the Delian league and the Delian-Attic amphyctyony, the establishing of the Delia festival were considered. Athens believed she was an Ionian mother-city and used Ionian factor, trying to present itself as the religious leaders of all Ionians. They were able not only to establish control over the sanctuary, but also to extend their hegemony to the entire Aegean.
The peculiarities of the development of the Delos polis, which were connected with the Ionic factor, have been determined. Externally, Delos was a famous religious centre and had the status of a holy place that was inviolable. Like all Ionians, the Delos had the same tribal system, but due to constant external control, especially Athenian, and the presence of Athenian officials amphyctyones, the Delos was not able to develop as a full-fledged independent polis.
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