Keywords: critical thinking, development of critical thinking, competence, future teachers of computer science, the institution of higher education


The article analyzes the role of critical thinking in professional growth, proves that critical thinking is an integral part of the professional competencies of future computer science teachers, an important component of modern higher education. The definition of the concept of critical thinking is clarified and presented in the author's interpretation as a type of thinking and evaluation activity, which is manifested in special skills that are formed in the process of professional training, and which are necessary for the effective solution of professional problems. The study outlines the principles of development of critical thinking and identifies four stages of development of critical thinking of future computer science teachers. The author of the article emphasizes the observance of certain pedagogical conditions in the process of forming students' critical thinking: taking into account age, level of educational achievements, available life experience. It was found that the basis of critical thinking is such qualities of the mind as curiosity, flexibility, depth, discipline, organization of mental activity, critical thinking, which must be developed in the future specialist. Based on the analysis of scientific sources and practical developments, it is proved that critical thinking is the key to the productive professional activity of future teachers in ensuring compliance with the requirements for mandatory learning outcomes of students in the field of informatics, self-improvement, reflection.


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How to Cite
Ovdiichuk, V. (2021). CRITICAL THINKING OF IT TEACHERS AS IMPORTANT COMPONENT OF THEIR PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 45(2), 105-113.