The paper studies the relevance of implementing of the simulation tutoring in the process of training nurses, its importance in mastering knowledge and skills and forming professional preparation of graduates. The purpose of the article is to analyze the effectiveness of the methodology of simulation tutoring of future specialists at the stage of training in an educational institution. General scientific research methods were applied: generalization, study, systematization of scientific and pedagogical, methodological literature, periodicals, internet resources; practical experience of the center for stimulating training of Cherkasy Medical Academy was used to assess the effectiveness of simulation tutoring of future specialists in specialty 223 Nursing, the results of the study were substantiated and graphically reflected. It is proved that modern trends in nursing education allow applicants to learn and practice without risking the lives and health of patients. The results of the study indicate that nursing as a specialty occupies a stable place in the structure of medical personnel training, it is interesting and promising for young people, most of the graduates are satisfied with the quality of education that meets their needs and expectations, the obtained professional training is multi-faceted and will allow them to engage in various activities in the future. When forming educational programs and curricula of this specialty, particular attention should be paid to professional disciplines and more widely introduce simulation tutoring modules into the educational process of nurses.
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