Keywords: vision impairments, causes, treatment, prophylaxix, complex of physical exercises, children


Vision is the one of the most significant function of human body. Many factors can influence on health of eyes and lead to the problem with vision. The aim of the work was to analyze information on myopia in school-age children and to make a set of training exercises for its prevention in them. In article present an overview of problem of myopia in school-age children, it causes and risk factors, possibilities of it prevention by use of different methods, including therapeutic physical training. Proposed complex of exercises designed for children of middle and high school. It includes 13 exercises for 30 min of training twice a day outdoor or in gymnasium. Exercises can be done anone or in pairs. Complex is recommended to children with myopia and children, which have normal vision, for the prophylaxis of impairment of vision. Complex can be used from childhood to to achieve the maximum effect, keep in mind the significant load on the visual analyzer of a modern child.


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How to Cite
Voronkova, O., Lemberg, A., Shevchenko, T., & Scherbinina, M. (2021). MYOPIA AND ITS PREVENTION USING THERAPEUTIC PHYSICAL TRAINING IN SCHOOLCHILDREN. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 45(2), 282-293.