The article discusses issues related to the calculation of the parameters distribution of the procedure execution time of the algorithm of the Tower controller`s actions when servicing the aircraft performing the approach (hereinafter simply the ALGORITHM), using the Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique (GERT network). ALGORITHM is an integral part of the trainee reference (or model-following) model in the intelligent training system "ATC of Tower", which is being developed by the Department of the Information Technologies of the Flight Academy of the National Aviation University. The reference model is formed on the basis of a list (set) of extremely detailed technological operations, the order of performing these operations upon a specific situation, a model of information flows circulation at the specialist's workplace, reference values, and time spent probabilistic models on performing technological operations. The reference model in the process of system functioning closely interacts with the trainee current model, thereby ensuring the fixation of his mistakes. On the basis of his mistakes, the intelligent system forms an individual training trajectory for the trainee and provides an opportunity for an objective automatic assessment of his operation activities. The use of the GERT network in calculating the ALGORITHM time distribution parameters allows obtaining the expected mean time value and the root-mean-square (standard) deviation, but in some cases, it does not allow calculating the execution time of its individual parts, for which the time is directly proportional to the performance characteristics of an aircraft.
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