Keywords: communicative act, language, speech, thinking, consciousness, psychology of language, word-formation process


This article analyzes the evolution of linguists' views on the psycholinguistic nature of the grammatical structure of language, in particular the word-formation system, from single observations and individual thoughts of scientists to specialized studies of monograph and dissertation level. The question of singling out grammar, including word-formation, as a self-sufficient object of research in the context of the formation of psycholinguistics as an autonomous scientific branch is considered. Attention is drawn to the fact that Ukrainian academic community is less interested in psycholinguistic aspects of word-creation of an individual than their foreign colleagues. The problem of analysis of word-formation innovations from the point of view of modern psycholinguistic concepts is touched upon. A special interest of psycholinguists to consider children's speech word-creation, as well as derivational features of an individual's speech during ontogenesis is highlighted. Mention is made of the empirical side of considering word-formation as a complex psycholinguistic process of verbal unit generation and reception. It is indicated on the remarkable promise and importance of this scientific field for further research, especially in the aspect of expanding the theoretical and methodological basis for further empirical study and description of the psycholinguistic nature of wordsmithing.


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How to Cite
Diukar, K. (2021). EVOLUTION OF PSYCHOLINGUISTIC THEORIES IN WORD-MAKING PROCESSES. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 46(3), 15-19. https://doi.org/10.23856/4602