The modern vector of transformations of the artistic image of a vampire is of special interest and agrees with what we have seen since the end of the XX century – the tendencies of consistent sympathy of writers to legendary-mythological images with traditionally negative symbolic meaning. V. Pelevin’s dilogy “Empire ‘V’” – “Batman Apollo” is organic to the tendencies of the modern world vampiriad and reflects the paradigmatic changes of this corpus of interpretations. The purpose of our article is for the first time to define the paradigmatic transformations of the artistic vampiriad of the end of the XX – the beginning of the XXI century and to determing of their reflection in the dilogy “Empire ‘V’” – “Batman Apollo” by V. Pelevin. Also we identify two interrelated basic clusters in the evolution of the vampire image for the first time: the justification and exaltation of this image in the literature, and the embodiment of aspects of national identity in it. V. Pelevin combines artistic and documentary discourses, in his fantasy world he paradoxically synthesizes historiosophical reflections on the fate of the people and appeals to various moments in the history and modernity of his country. The novelty and politicization of the Pelevin’ text is an innovation for the vampiriad, although in the fantasy genre the reception of national social realities is now becoming typical.
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