Keywords: pedagogical conditions, readiness for professional communication, professional activity, future aviation maintenance engineers, aviation specialists


The aim of the paper is to study the problem of future aircraft maintenance engineers’ training for improving professional communication. Higher aviation educational institutions ensure that graduates master communication skills and acquire communication competencies that allow them to solve typical tasks of their work. Due to internalization and globalization of aviation sphere, communication in the international airports is carried out in English. However, the level of English proficiency of future aircraft maintenance engineers is not sufficient to communicate effectively while performing professional tasks. To solve the problem the pedagogical conditions of future aircraft maintenance engineers’ training for improving professional communication are suggested (enhancing motivation to communicate through active interaction and creating situations of success in the classroom; modeling professional communicative situations to ensure the practical orientation of training; use of technological innovations for self-analysis and self-education). The defined pedagogical conditions are implemented through specially chosen methods: interactive (ice-breaking, warming up activities, training exercises, etc.), case study, role playing, ICT (based on Learning Management Systems MOODLE).


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