Keywords: e-government, innovation, data science, public service, management, performance


The purpose of this article is to substantiate the theoretical foundations of using information and communication technologies (hereinafter – ICT) in public administration decision-making processes using the framework of categories and concepts proposed by New Public Management, Joined-up government, Public Value Рaradigm, Actor Network Theory and Socio-Technical Systems. The research task is to comprehensively consider the methods, approaches and foundations of using ICT in public administration through these theories. General scientific methods (analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction) as well as the comparative-historical method have been used. Such an approach allows to generalize and comprehend the role and impact of ICT in public administration within the framework of different theories and to offer an empirical application of the developed concepts. Correlation of the considered concepts' theoretical principles with the criteria for public services delivery, the role of citizens, approaches to measuring the performance of public servants makes it possible to conclude the information about the attitudes and requirements for innovations in public administration from the perspective of each of the theories. It can contribute to further study of the ICT's impact on the public administration decision-making processes, predicting the transformational impact of e-governance and theoretical advances empirical application by both public servants and those who hold political positions.


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