The study outlines the prerequisites for the formation of corporate culture in various medical institutions, as well as the peculiarities of the formation of the Viva clinics’ network, which influenced its position in the intra-corporate communication process. Proposals have been formulated to improve the corporate culture, which takes into account all the shortcomings that are significant for medical staff. The latter were identified through a survey conducted among clinics’ network staff. The project includes several corporate events, improvement of working conditions and communication of staff, creation of intra-corporate media and software communication tools. Both general scientific and special methods of data processing were used in the work. In particular, the analytical-synthetic method of terminological analysis, comparative method, and generalization method was used, which made it possible to determine the degree of study of the topic, to outline the general issues. Induction and deduction methods were also used. The method of survey and questionnaire was used to assess the corporate culture of the Viva clinics’ network. The method of comparison was used to assess the advantages and disadvantages of competitors. The descriptive method was used to present the recommended part of the study.
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