This article is a theoretical study of the “reflexive competence” concept and other related notions in the context of psychological science. Reflexive competence is viewed as an important component of professional competence and a separate formation of mind that determines the resultant aspect of reflexive activity. The study is based on the analysis of non-fiction works on the subject matter written by Ukrainian and foreign authors. It shows the diversity of approaches to definition of the “reflexive competence” concept and to detailing of the aspects of its structure. The article describes the types of reflection and examines every single component of reflexive competence, including cooperative, communicative, personal and intellectual reflection. It also looks at the models of reflexive competence and its individual structural components, such as informational, instrumental, judgmental and motivational, and behavioral. The article explains why we need to study reflexive competence as a complex formation – a meta-concept, a personal meta-competence that integrates knowledge, abilities and skills acquired in the course of personal growth and associated with the realization of why people do what they do, with identification and resolution of problems that arise in the course of our primary activity, and with the setting of goals and prioritization of personal growth areas. The work also proves the importance of reflexive competence as a professional growth driver for the officers of Ukraine armed forces and an aspect that facilitates development of other kinds of personality competence.
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