Keywords: invalid transactions, void and voidable transactions, classification of invalid transactions, “theorie moderne” of invalid transactions


The aim of this paper is providing the analysis of the classification of invalid transactions into void and voidable, which is recognized in many countries. This classification takes roots from the times of Ancient Rome, and was further developed in the 19th century thanks to the works of pandectists, primarily F.K. von Savigny and B. Windscheid. Today many European states are reforming their civil legislation. This fact allows us to take a fresh look at many institutions of civil law. In addition to the traditional approaches that are characteristic of the countries of the pandecto system, special attention should be paid to the “theorie moderne”, which is widespread in the countries of the Romanesque legal system. In the context of the invalidity of transactions, the article analyzes the provisions of the legislation of the leading European countries – Germany, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Belgium. Based on the above, it is concluded that this classification of the invalidity of transactions has not lost its meaning and is relevant today.


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How to Cite
Tashian, R. (2021). CLASSIFICATION OF INVALID TRANSACTIONS IN PRESENT LAW DOCTRINE OF EUROPEAN COUNTRIES. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 46(3), 190-194.