The purpose of the article is to show in the historical development the formation of the institute of services of general economic interest (SGEI) in the Ukrainian legal tradition under the influence of European integration strategic actions. One of such actions is the harmonization of Ukrainian legislation with the law of the European Union. SGEI, in the context of another "legal novelty" for Ukraine as state aid as part of competition law, have changed the existing approaches to the distribution of already known subsidies and grants. A set of new rules forced the state authorities to adhere to clear rules, failure to comply with which is fraught with real sanctions. In the course of the study, it was revealed that the institute of SGEI has already found its reflection and practice in the Ukrainian legal system. But at the same time, all norms of legislation on services of general economic interest do not correspond to the practice of the EU, and legislative changes are necessary to launch reforms in this area.
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