The article describes the results of the research exploring the link between the neurodynamic component of schoolchildren’s psychic activity at the age of 7-12 and the level of mastering the reading skill at school. In the process of the research, we have detected the core neuropsychological criteria correlating with the level of reading technique and text understanding in schoolchildren. The neuropsychological research was made using A.R. Luria’s battery of tests, by G.M. Glosman’s method, adapted to childhood. We also used A.N. Kornyev and O.A. Ishymova’s method of dyslexia diagnostics; texts for the research have been translated into Ukrainian. We have pointed out two age groups of children andanalyzed how neurodynamic deficiency and audio-verbal and visual memory level influence the formation of dyslexia determinants in both of them. In addition, we have addressed the link between child’s development under the age of 1, parents’ complaints at the actual time and the level of a child’s reading technique.
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