Keywords: comic effect, language level, hyperbole, meiosis, litotes


The article deals with the study of linguo-stylistic means of the comic category representation at the lexico-semantic level. Modern English prose is characterized by a specific comic modality, which is a characteristic feature of the author’s individual style. The leading means of the lexico-semantic level, that contribute to the realization of the comic effect in belles-letters texts, have been analyzed. The material of research is the English-language prose works of small forms by the most prominent writers, such as: K. Barry, K. Vonnegut, R. Carver and R. Dahl. The aforementioned authors use hyperbolization, which is introduced by means of similes, indefinite pronouns, nouns formed from numerals (in the process of numeralization), temporal and spatial adverbs, a set of lexical units with negative colouring, adjectives in the superlative degree of comparison, modal verbs in the negative form, emphatic constructions.


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How to Cite
Blynova, I. (2022). USE OF STYLISTIC MEANS OF COMIC CATEGORY AT THE LEXICO-SEMANTIC LEVEL: FIGURES OF QUANTITY. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 47(4), 8-15.