Keywords: name scheme, definition, content of term, variants, official name


This paper is a preliminary attempt to summarize and supplement key information about anthroponymic formula as a basic term of Ukrainian onomastics. Methods of research are predetermined by the aim and tasks put in the article. The main ones are comparative analyses, observation method, analysis of the scientific literature, method of classification, descriptive, comparative, and historical methods as well as methods of generalization and abstraction. They made it possible to clarify the content of the term anthroponymic formula, to describe differences between the existing definitions, and to examine the available equivalents in other languages. This study is the first step towards enhancing our understanding of anthroponymic formula’s definition that we defined initially as an order of anthroponyms in the official name of a person. This paper also describes some aspects of the analysed term’s formation, in particular a wide range of this term’s variants introduced into scientific parlancein in Slavistics.


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How to Cite
Chornous, O. (2022). ANTHROPONYMIC FORMULA AS A BASIC TERM OF ONOMASTICS. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 47(4), 16-20.